About me

I have a background in engineering and mathematics, and I’ve been spiraling towards data science for quite some time. I have moved from astrophysics > planetary science > applied mathematics > engineering > environmental engineering > sediment remediation. The issue was that I enjoyed it all. I knew I was looking for something specific that all of those disciplines offered, but what was it? After reflecting on my favorite projects, I found a pretty distinct pattern:

  • Researching filtering methodologies to reduce distortions in images of Mars at HiRISE (pub)
  • Implementing a process model for a solar desalination system and using a genetic algorithm to optimize system performance (pub)
  • Creating an environmental impact and benefit analysis tool (pub)

I realized that I loved anything that included applied math, programming, and creative problem-solving. That seemed like a mega-blanket statement, and I thought that no career would fulfill my interdisciplinary expectations – until I found data science. I recently completed a three-month data science immersive at Galvanize, where I got my hands dirty with Python/SQL, statistics, data munging and visualization, and machine learning. Having graduated in November 2017, I’m now working on personal projects, teaching myself R, and beefing up my SQL skills as I look for the perfect company to help grow with my new skill set.

This is me

That’s me ^

I don’t particularly like writing about myself (I have been told that I write like a robot), but since this is my “about me” page, I figure this is my only opportunity to summarize myself using bullets:

  • Tucson, AZ -> Seattle, WA, lover of the SW and PNW
  • Hobbies (in no particular order): climbing, hiking, silversmithing, lifting, online shopping and critiquing recommender systems, traveling, eating, yoga-ing(?), drinking coffee in the sunshine, and attempting to love running, but not doing so hot on that front
  • If I were a superhero I’d be Question-Woman
  • INTJ Slytherin Earth-bender